Thanks to our Awards committee, our Awards page has been reorganized and simplified to increase its user friendliness.
Category: Uncategorized
Topics that don't need a category, or don't fit into any other existing category.
CSI Project Developmental Grant Award (Deadline 12/1/24)
Dear ADMSEP members,
The Clinical Simulation Initiative (CSI) Committee is accepting submissions for the Project Developmental Grant Award.
One developmental grant will be awarded this cycle ($500-1000 with Articulate 360 seat included). The deadline for submission is Sunday, 1 December 2024, 5:00 PM (PST).
Link below provides details and required materials:
Modules may be related to any topic relevant to medical student education that represents a clinical encounter with a disorder that will help achieve the learning objectives for the course or clerkship as well as meet existing LCME Standards. A list of the modules are located here.
Applicants are encouraged to seek mentorship. ADMSEP members from the CSI Committee are available for this purpose.
If there are any questions, please let us know.
Your CSI Chairs,
Derrick Hamaoka, M.D. Uniformed Services University
Mary Steinmann, M.D. University of Utah
Reminder: ADMSEP accepting abstract submissions for the 2025 Annual Meeting!
See the latest reminder regarding Abstract submissions for the 2025 Annual meeting here
New Learning Module: QT Prolongation & Psychiatric Medications: Self-Paced Learning
Thanks to Rohini Mehta MD and Derrick Hamaoka MD we now have a new CSI Learning Module: QT Prolongation & Psychiatric Medications: Self-Paced Learning Module
Feel free to access our entire library of CSI Learning Modules
2024 Fall Virtual Meeting recording
The 2024 Fall Virtual Meeting recording is available for viewing within our Members Only area (login required)
Partnership between ADMSEP and Aquifer
ADMSEP Members:
We are very excited to share the formation of a partnership between ADMSEP and Aquifer. As you may know, Aquifer is a mission-driven non-profit organization dedicated to delivering the best health care education through collaborative development and research into innovative, high-impact virtual teaching and learning methods. Several of our institutions already utilize Aquifer materials in their curricula.
This collaboration will support the creation of clinical learning cases on the Aquifer platform that cover ADMSEP Learning Goals and Milestones. We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to contribute as case authors. We envision these learning cases as complementary to the excellent modules that will continue to be produced through ADMSEP’s Clinical Simulation Initiative (CSI).
This is a terrific opportunity to contribute to a widely used platform and earn scholarly credit. We invite you to express your interest now. Please click this link to learn more about the project and how to get involved.
Sincerely, Matt Goldenberg ADMSEP President, 2024-25
Matthew N. Goldenberg, M.D., M.Sc. Associate Professor of Psychiatry Yale University School of Medicine
Attending Psychiatrist Yale-New Haven Hospital
President, 2024-25 Association of Directors of Medical Student Education in Psychiatry (ADMSEP)
Submit ABSTRACTS for the ADMSEP 2025 Annual Meeting
Submit your abstracts here
New CSI module available on PTSD
Thanks to authors
Elle S. Cleaves MD, Madeline Teisberg DO, Bailie Moorhead DO, James C. West MD, Kelly L. Cozza MD, Derrick Hamaoka MD,
we have a new CSI Learning Module titled "Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Self-Paced Learning Module".
ADMSEP’s 2025 Virtual Fall Meeting
Hello, we are looking forward to seeing you all at ADMSEP’s 2025 Virtual Fall Meeting!
Link to follow.
Monday, September 30, 2024 from 3pm (CST)/4pm (EST) - 5pm (CST)/6pm (EST)
-3pm (CST)/4pm (EST) – 3:30pm (CST)/4:30pm (EST)
“In My Submitting Era: How to get your abstracts accepted”
Dana Raml MD and Kristin Escamilla MD
After attending, participants will be able to: Describe the various submission types for the 2025 ADMSEP Annual Meeting. Identify the characteristics of a high-quality abstract. Compare and contrast various examples of abstracts.
-3:30pm (CST)/4:30pm (EST) – 4pm (CST)/5pm (EST)
“You had me at LO: Crafting an engaging oral presentation”
Timothy R. Kreider, MD PhD
After attending, participants will be able to: Organize your presentation around learning objectives (LOs). Adapt your plan to the needs of your audience. Illustrate your talk with simplified visuals.
-4:15pm (CST)/5:15pm (EST) – 5pm (CST)/6pm (EST)
"Cultivating Careers: Group mentoring for psychiatric educators"
Erin Malloy MD and Laura Cardella MD
After attending, participants will be able to: Describe the structure and benefits of a group mentoring program for psychiatric medical educators. Identify effective strategies for mentors to lead and facilitate group mentoring sessions. Demonstrate techniques for mentees to maximize their engagement in group mentoring Brainstorm strategies for mentors and mentees to build meaningful relationships with mentors and peers. Formulate a personal action plan for incorporating group mentoring to enhance career development within their professional setting.
Participants will have an opportunity to meet mentoring groups and to sign up for the program during the session.
Kristin Escamilla MD, ADMSEP Annual Meeting Program Chair
Dana Raml MD, ADMSEP Annual Meeting Assistant Program Chair
Abstract Submission Portal for the 2025 Annual Meeting
Hello ADMSEP Members,
Please join us in Boston, MA from June 19-21, 2025, for an exciting annual meeting!
ADMSEP will be opening the Abstract Submission Portal for the 2025 Annual Meeting on Tuesday, October 1, 2024. The portal will be closed at 11:59pm ET on Thursday, October 31, 2024.
Please note that we will be using a new management platform. Instructions on how to submit your abstracts will be sent on or about October 1st.
We encourage submissions focusing on: • Faculty development • Health disparities, cultural competency, climate change, diversity equity & inclusion, and social determinants of mental health • Curriculum: pre-clerkship courses, clerkship content, electives, active learning, redesign, assessment methods • New and emerging topics in medical student education and technology including the impact of AI • Educational innovations • Current educational hot topics
Submission Guidelines: Only 3 presentations per presenter may be submitted (this does not include posters).
There is a 5 co-author limit on all presentations. Please keep in mind, only people who are participating in the presentation should be included as a co-author.
The ADMSEP Annual Meeting Program Committee will be accepting submissions for:
1. Plenary 1-hour session consisting of a group of three to four individual presentations that are thematically related. Each individual presentation is a 12-15 minute formal talk, given by 1 or 2 individuals. This session is offered to all meeting attendees. Several people can submit abstracts for a plenary session they believe would fit well together; alternatively, the program committee may group individual submissions with similar and related topics.
2. Workshop 75-minute semi-structured learning session designed to facilitate interaction via active learning with a limited didactic element.
3. Discussion Group 75-minute session consisting of 3 or 4 interactive presentations along a similar theme, each 12-15 minutes, along with time for discussion. The program committee may combine several abstracts on a similar topic. Presenters may submit 1 presentation for such a combination, or may coordinate several submissions with other presenters.
4. Brief Oral Presentation: Educational Innovations Adapted from the popular PechaKucha model, this is a 7-minute presentation, using 20 slides for 20 seconds each. This session is designed to provide participants with a lively presentation of innovative approaches to medical student education. Presenters would submit a proposal for a 7-minute presentation. The program committee will then combine several brief oral presentations in succession, followed by time for discussion.
5. Poster Session Submissions can be on a wide range of topics from educational research to descriptions of innovative approaches to medical student education. This year, as in the past, poster awards will be given at the Annual Meeting banquet based on the final poster presentation by a panel of judges.
6. Media Session This is an opportunity to showcase useful online resources for ADMSEP members.
7. Work in Progress 75-minute session consisting of three 15-minute presentations with each presentation followed by 10 minutes of audience feedback and allowing educators a chance to obtain feedback to help refine a paper, teaching method, curriculum, or other project in process.
We look forward to reading your submissions!
Kristin Escamilla MD, ADMSEP Annual Meeting Program Chair Dana Raml MD, ADMSEP Annual Meeting Assistant Program Chair Rachel Russo MD, ADMSEP Annual Meeting Facilities Chair Ellie Rashid Corbaley, ADMSEP Administrative Coordinator Matt Goldenberg MD, ADMSEP President
New CSI eModule uploaded: Delirium: Self-Paced Learning Module
A new CSI eModule has been uploaded: Delirium: Self-Paced Learning Module
Many thanks to the authors: Simone A. Bernstein MD, Derrick Hamaoka MD, Gary M. Bernard MD, Eric G. Meyer MD PhD
Residency Recruitment Fairs
While your students may have missed the APA Residency Fair in May 2024 at the annual meeting, this August AADPRT will be hosting some residency fairs. Students/applicants should be directed to this website for more information. Individual programs are also likely to host events
2024 ADMSEP Award winners
If you were unable to attend the 2024 ADMSEP Annual meeting, please see the 2024 ADMSEP Award winners and their pictures
Update: Presidents Message, Unabridged 2024 Annual Meeting Program and more...
View the latest Presidents Message, 2024 Annual Meeting Program with Updates and more......
Updated SLOR example letters and updated FAQs
The ADMSEP SLOR workgroup has created two example SLOR letters and updated our FAQs
Revised Standardized Letter of Recommendation
Hello all,
Firstly, thanks to everyone for your input and feedback on the SLOR template. We made some key revisions based on this and I think our final product should be more streamlined for both letter readers and writers. Please download the updated Match 2025 SLOR.
Also, we are working on sample letters, and FAQ sheets will be on the website by the end of the month.
Please consider using the SLOR for LORs during this application cycle.
I am happy to answer any questions.
Thanks again! Dana Dana Raml, MD Pronouns: she/her/hers Assistant Professor Adult Outpatient Division Director Associate Medical Director Assistant Clerkship Director Clinical Specialty Track Director- Psychiatry Department of Psychiatry University of Nebraska Medical Center 985575 Nebraska Medical Center | Omaha, NE 68198-5575 402-552-6007
Miss the April ADMSEP Spring Meeting? View it online
The recording of the virtual ADMSEP Spring Virtual Meeting (from April 17th) is now available online. To view it, please first login to the Members Only area of our website.
Annual Meeting Early Bird Registration ends 4/30/2024
We wanted to send a reminder that our Annual Meeting Early Bird Registration ends next Tuesday, April 30, 2024.
Make sure you register for the Annual Meeting in June* and book your hotel before that to get the best prices of the year!
*ADMSEP 2024 Annual Meeting June 20-22, 2024. Pittsburgh, PA at the Omni William Penn Hotel.
Looking forward to seeing you all,
Rachel Russo, M.D. 2024 ADMSEP Program Chair
Kristin Escamilla, M.D. 2024 ADMSEP Assistant Program Chair
ADMSEP Scholarly Publication Award - Call for Nominations
Hello ADMSEP Members,
The ADMSEP Scholarly Publication Award seeks to recognize the most outstanding UME-focused publication by an ADMSEP member over the past year. The Awards Committee has searched Academic Psychiatry, MedEdPORTAL, and Medical Teacher for publications and have already identified a number of publications for consideration.
If you have published between March 2023 and March 2024 in another journal (or would like to confirm consideration of your article in the aforementioned journals), please contact me with the citation for your publication.
Thank you,
Chase Findley
J. Chase Findley, M.D. Assistant Dean for Accreditation and Educational Quality Improvement Associate Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences McGovern Medical School | UTHealth Houston
ADMSEP Virtual Spring Meeting – Wednesday April 17th – 4p-530p EST
ADMSEP Virtual Spring Meeting – Wednesday April 17th – 4p-530p EST
“Here We Go Again: Leading Medical Education in An Era of Recurrent Crisis.”
This will be a timely and helpful topic that will be presented by a great group of ADMSEP members: Drs. Elizabeth Greene, Kelly Cozza, Victoria Kelly, Michael Miller and Khyati Kothari. We will record and offer CME. Look for a calendar invitation from Ellie coming soon.
Miss the 2024 ADMSEP Spring Town Hall? Watch it in Members Only
ADMSEP Spring Town Hall – Wednesday March 20th, 2024 4p-530p EST - “Where Do We Go from Here? Development and Adoption of the New Foundational Core Competencies for Undergraduate Medical Education.”
Watch it in Members Only
This town hall was on the new AAMC competencies for medical student education. These foundational competencies were developed through a multi-year, four phase, collaborative national effort. Over 1,000 individuals provided input towards the development of the competencies, including those from psychiatry, and a diverse group was convened and charged to draft the new foundational competencies.
Dr. Lisa Howley from the AAMC presented on the new competencies and heard our feedback.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
Abstract: The medical education community has been working towards competency-based education for decades. However, much work remains to align undergraduate and graduate medical education and enhance the transition to residency. An initiative led and advised by multiple medical education organizations has recently resulted in new foundational competencies for undergraduate medical education in the U.S. regardless of location or degree type. This interactive session will introduce the new foundational competencies for undergraduate medical education. The multi-year collaborative effort to develop them will be briefly reviewed and the attendees will be invited to ideate strategies to integrate them within their local educational programs.
Link to competencies:
Objectives: 1. Defend the need for a standard set of foundational competencies across UME programs, that align with GME. 2. Describe the foundational UME competencies that align across the continuum, and the process used to develop them. 3. Construct one or more actions towards local adoption of the new foundational competencies
Awards Nominations and Applications deadline extended
In response to request for an extension, the deadline for ADMSEP award nominations and applications is being moved to April 30th.
We hope this additional time will allow you help ADMSEP give well deserved recognition to excellence within the ADMSEP community.
Dave Schilling Awards Committee Co-Chair
Chase Findley Awards Committee Co-Chair
Updated DEIA Resources
Thanks to Francis Lu, MD, DLFAPA and Robert C. Like, MD, MS we now have updated DEIA Resources
2024 Annual Meeting Registration is Open!
Registration for the ADMSEP Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh is now open for the conference.
The link will also provide information on how to book your conference rate hotel.
Do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions! We look forward to seeing you in June!
Sincerely, Ellie Corbaley Association of Director's of Medical Student Education in Psychiatry (ADMSEP)
ADMSEP Virtual Spring Town Hall, Wednesday March 20th, 4p-530p EST.
“Where Do We Go from Here? Development and Adoption of the New Foundational Core Competencies for Undergraduate Medical Education.”
Dr. Lisa Howley from the AAMC will present on the new competencies and hear our feedback.
A calendar invitation will be arriving in an email to follow.
Abstract: The medical education community has been working towards competency-based education for decades. However, much work remains to align undergraduate and graduate medical education and enhance the transition to residency. An initiative led and advised by multiple medical education organizations has recently resulted in new foundational competencies for undergraduate medical education in the U.S. regardless of location or degree type. This interactive session will introduce the new foundational competencies for undergraduate medical education. The multi-year collaborative effort to develop them will be briefly reviewed and the attendees will be invited to ideate strategies to integrate them within their local educational programs.
Link to competencies:
Objectives: 1. Defend the need for a standard set of foundational competencies across UME programs, that align with GME. 2. Describe the foundational UME competencies that align across the continuum, and the process used to develop them. 3. Construct one or more actions towards local adoption of the new foundational competencies
Rachel Russo, MD and Kristin Escamilla, MD Program Chair and Associate Program Chair
Congrats to our Clinical Skills Initiative Developmental Grant awardees
On behalf of the ADMSEP Clinical Simulation Initiative (CSI) committee, we would like to recognize our Developmental Grant awardees:
- Dr. Dana Doctor et al. Suicide Risk Assessment and Safety Planning
- Dr. Geoffrey Liu et al. Alcohol Use Disorder
- Dr. Timothy Kreider et al. Catatonia
CSI Chairs, Derrick Hamaoka, MD Mary Steinmann, MD
New CSI Learning Module
Thanks to Derrick Hamaoka, MD, Brandon Kitay, MD PhD, Nathan S. Johnston, DO, Matthew Goldenberg, MD we have a new CSI Learning Module: ECT. Please take advantage of this helpful resource!
Upcoming Virtual Meetings- Save the Dates
We’ve decided this spring to have two shorter virtual meetings.
We wanted to announce this and send out details. Look for flyers with more information and calendar invitations coming soon.
ADMSEP Spring Town Hall – Wednesday March 20th 4p-530p EST - “Where Do We Go from Here? Development and Adoption of the New Foundational Core Competencies for Undergraduate Medical Education.” Dr. Lisa Howley from the AAMC will present on the new competencies and hear our feedback.
ADMSEP Spring Virtual Meeting – Wednesday April 17th – 4p-530p EST - “Here We Go Again: Leading Medical Education in An Era of Recurrent Crisis.” This very timely workshop will be led by Dr. Elizabeth Greene with Drs Kelly Cozza, Victoria Kelly, Michael Miller, and Khyati Kothari co-presenting.
Again, more details to come, but we hope to see you virtually in March and April!
Rachel Russo, MD and Kristin Escamilla, MD
Program Chair and Associate Program Chair
Call for ADMSEP 2024 Awards Nominations & Applications
Practicing gratitude is good for the mental health of both the giver and recipient. Now is a great opportunity for you to engage in practicing gratitude by pondering who has made your professional life easier and more enjoyable over the past year, and what is it that person has done that you found to be so helpful. This is an ideal time to let ADMSEP members know how thankful you are, and then to demonstrate your gratitude by nominating them for an ADMSEP award!
· Does your Clerkship Administrator regularly prevent chaos from overwhelming your day? Nominate them for the ADMSEP Clerkship Administrator Award for Excellence.
· Has your early-in-their-career colleague come up with some fresh and clever ideas for improving medical student education at your school? Encourage them to apply for the ADMSEP Devneil Vaidya Award and offer to write a letter of support.
· Is there a senior colleague who you respect and admire for all that they have done over many years for ADMSEP and medical education? Write a letter nominating them for the ADMSEP Fred Sierles MD Leadership & Excellence in Psychiatric Education Award
· Do you know someone who has done something educationally innovative in your clerkship or course that has worked great or maybe even beyond your expectations? Encourage the innovator to apply for the ADMSEP Innovations Award.
****NEW THIS YEAR**** · Is there a mid-career faculty member in your department who seamlessly integrates their commitment to serving the disadvantaged in their community with their work in medical student education? Write a letter nominating them to be the inaugural recipient of the ADMSEP Amy Brodkey, MD, Award for Advocacy and Community Service in Psychiatry.
Details about the various ADMSEP awards, along with the deadlines, are listed on our website:
Please help the ADMSEP organization show its gratitude to deserving ADMSEP members for the great work they have done.
Thank you,
Dave Schilling & Chase Findley Award Committee Co-Chairs
New CSI module: Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Thanks to a number of CSI contributors, we now have a new module: Body Dysmorphic Disorder
ADMSEP abstract portal is open for one more week!
Good morning all,
Just a quick reminder that the ADMSEP abstract portal is open for one more week!
ADMSEP Abstract Proposal Submissions Portal
Our meeting theme for ADMSEP’s 50th meeting is: Building the Future of Psychiatry: 50 years of Advancing Medical Student Education
We invite you to submit abstract proposals on any topic relevant to medical student education in psychiatry.
The deadline for submission is Tuesday, October 31, 2023 at 11:59 PM EST.
Specific guidelines for each type of submission can be found on the abstract submission portal. Please note that we must have all relevant application components by the deadline of October 31.
Additionally, you will need to create a new account annually to submit. Old usernames and passwords will not work. Thank you for your understanding.
We look forward to reading your submissions!
Rachel Russo, MD / Program Chair for the 2024 ADMSEP Annual Meeting
Kristin Escamilla, MD / Associate Program Chair for the 2024 ADMSEP Annual Meeting
Two New CSI Modules!
Please feel free to visit our two latest CSI modules:
- Autism Spectrum Disorder & Intellectual Developmental Disorder
- Antepartum Depression
hot off the press!
2023 October ADMSEP Newsletter
The 2023 ADMSEP October Newsletter is out
The 2024 the ADMSEP abstract portal is open for the next two weeks!
Just a quick reminder that the ADMSEP abstract portal is open for the next two weeks!
ADMSEP Abstract Proposal Submissions for 2024. Our meeting theme for ADMSEP’s 50th meeting is: Building the Future of Psychiatry: 50 years of Advancing Medical Student Education We invite you to submit abstract proposals on any topic relevant to medical student education in psychiatry. The deadline for submission is Monday, October 31, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST. Specific guidelines for each type of submission can be found on the abstract submission portal. Please note that we must have all relevant application components by the deadline of October 31.
We look forward to reading your submissions and organizing an outstanding conference!
Rachel Russo, MD Program Chair for the 2024 ADMSEP Annual Meeting
Kristin Escamilla, MD Associate Program Chair for the 2024 ADMSEP Annual Meeting
ADMSEP 2023 Fall Virtual Meeting RECORDING
Miss the 2023 ADMSEP Fall Virtual Meeting? The meeting was recorded and can be viewed from within Members Only.
ADMSEP Developmental Grant Award (Deadline Nov 1, 2023)
ADMSEP Clinical Simulation Initiative (CSI) Developmental Grant Award Deadline: 1 November 2023
Dear ADMSEP members,
The Clinical Simulation Initiative (CSI) Committee is accepting submissions for the Project Developmental Grant Award.
Two developmental grants will be awarded this cycle ($1500 with Articulate 360 seat included). The deadline for submission is Wednesday, 1 November 2023, 5:00 PM (PST).
Link below provides details and required materials:
Modules may be related to any topic relevant to medical student education that represents a clinical encounter with a disorder that will help achieve the learning objectives for the course or clerkship as well as meet existing LCME Standards. A list of the modules are located here.
Applicants are encouraged to seek mentorship. ADMSEP members from the CSI Committee are available for this purpose.
If there are any questions, please let us know.
Your CSI Chairs,
Derrick Hamaoka, M.D., Uniformed Services University
Mary Steinmann, M.D., University of Utah
2024 Meeting Abstract Submission
ADMSEP 2023 Fall Virtual Meeting.
ADMSEP is having a fall virtual meeting: Making Scholarly Work Work for You
Wednesday October 4th from 4p-6p EST
Members of the ADMSEP research committee will present on "Do what you do and publish or present too!" from 4p-450p.
From 5p-550p, Academic Psychiatry Editor in Chief Dr. Adam Brenner will talk about: “What makes a good paper?”
A calendar invitation will be sent this week.
The topics will be very pertinent as abstract submission for the 2023 Annual Meeting opens on 10/1/2023! I’ll be sending more information about this next week.
We hope you can attend.
Rachel Russo, MD Program Chair for the 2024 ADMSEP Annual Meeting
Annual meeting photos (June 2023)
The ADMSEP 2023 Annual meeting meeting photos are posted (the full set) in members only. If you took photos and would like us to add some, feel free to email webmaster
Annual Meeting June 2023: What to know before you go
See here
DEI: A Strategic Priority for the AAMC and Academic Medicine
Please take a moment to view the following AAMC public news release.
Update to DEIA resources
Our DEIA resource list is now updated. View it here
Call for nominations for the Vestermark Award
Dear ADMSEP Members,
The Vestermark Award committee invites you to please take a moment to consider any fellow psychiatry educators you may wish to nominate for a Vestermark Psychiatry Educator Award. It is the APA's highest award for educators in medical education. The details regarding eligibility, nomination, selection criteria, and submission can be viewed in this fact sheet, and nomination page. Please be aware of the rapidly approaching deadline, June 1, 2023.
Meet the Academic Psychiatry Editor
On Monday, April 24, Academic Psychiatry Editor in Chief Adam Brenner, M.D., will host an online “Meet the Editor” zoom video conference from 6:00pm to 7:00pm Central
Zoom Meeting Link: See your ADMSEP listserv email send 4/18/23 for details
Join in to... -ask any questions about the journal or scholarly publishing -share ideas for submissions or special topical collections -receive editorial consultation on a manuscript in development (e.g., about the topic’s fit with the journal’s scope, category for the submission, research design, writing strategies) -learn how to become more involved with the journal
ADMSEP 2023 April Meeting recording
Miss the ADMSEP 2023 April Meeting? You can watch it in members only (hint: start here to see the TOC)
Learn more about our ADMSEP 2023 Keynote Speaker
Learn more about our ADMSEP 2023 Keynote Speaker
Spring 2023 Virtual Meeting and 2023 Annual ADMSEP Meeting announcements
Announcements for our Spring 2023 Virtual Meeting are posted.
Announcements for our 2023 Annual ADMSEP Meetings are posted. This includes meeting registration and meeting hotel reservation openings at group rates. See our meetings page for details.
Feb 2023 ADMSEP Newsletter
Please feel free to review our February 2023 Newsletter
New module posted: A Primer on Military Life and Culture for Health Care Providers
Thanks to our generous authors: Derrick Hamaoka MD, Patcho Santiago MD, Eric Meyer MD, Austin Bailey DO, Elle Cleaves MD, Vincent Capaldi MD we have a new CSI emodule: A Primer on Military Life and Culture for Health Care Providers, also viewable from our main CSI emodule page.
New module posted: Psychiatry Residency Personal Statement
Many thanks to our ADMSEP authors* for a new e-resources module: Psychiatry Residency Personal Statement
*Authors: Tianqi Luo, DO, Farah Kudrath, MD, MPH, Ellen Gluzman, MD, Dana Raml, MD, and Michael Miller, MD
NBME Match related resources
Our ADMSEP NBME Match related resources page has been refreshed and now includes: -ADMSEP's Proposed Standardized Letter of Recommendation and Template and -Advising Students for the Match
ADMSEP Education Scholars Program Call for Applications
The ADMSEP Education Scholars Program has issued a Call for Applications
DEIA Resources update
Please feel free to view the latest DEIA Resources update care of Francis Lu, MD, DLFAPA and Robert C. Like, MD, MS.
Nov 2022 ADMSEP Newsletter
Please feel free to view our 2022-11 Newsletter
October News
Please see our latest news update
Call for Abstract Proposals for 49th Annual ADMSEP Meeting
San Diego, CA. June 21-24, 2023
The keynote speaker will be Donna Elliott, M.D., Chair of the Department of Medical Education and Vice Dean for Medical Education at Keck School of Medicine of University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles, CA
We invite you to submit abstract proposals on any topic relevant to medical student education in psychiatry.
The deadline for submission is Monday, October 31, 2022 at 11:59 PM EST.
We encourage submissions focusing on:
Professional identity development, Health Disparities, Cultural Competency, Diversity Equity & Inclusion, Social Determinants of mental health, Curriculum: active learning, redesign, assessment methods, New and emerging topics in medical student education and technology, Educational innovations
Abstract submissions will be accepted beginning Saturday, October 1st, 2022. To submit, please visit “Upcoming 2023 Meeting” and then on that page click on the “Submit Abstract” drop down box, then the actual link (which will appear 10/1/22). This will take you to the Cvent submission portal. Once there you will find specific guidelines for each type of submission, but for convenience, they are also listed below. Please note that we must have all relevant application components by the deadline of October 31.
We look forward to reading your submissions and organizing an outstanding conference!
Submission Guidelines: Only 3 presentations per presenter may be submitted (this does not include posters). There is a 5 co-author limit on all presentations. Please keep in mind, only people who are participating in the presentation should be included as a co-author.
The ADMSEP Annual Meeting Program Committee is accepting submissions for:
1. Plenary: 1-hour session consisting of a group of three to four individual presentations that are thematically related. Each individual presentation is a 12-15 minute formal talk, given by 1 or 2 individuals. This session is offered to all meeting attendees. Several people can submit abstracts for a plenary session they believe would fit well together; alternatively, the program committee can group individual submission with similar and related topics.
2. Workshop: 75-minute semi-structured learning session designed to facilitate interaction via active learning with a limited didactic element.
3. Discussion Group: 75-minute session consisting of 3 or 4 interactive presentations along a similar theme, each 12-15 minutes, along with time for discussion. The program committee may combine several abstracts on a similar topic. Presenters may submit 1 presentation for such a combination or may coordinate several submissions with other presenters.
4. Educational Innovation Brief Oral Presentation: Adapted from the popular PechaKucha model, this is a 7-minute presentation, using 20 slides for 20 seconds each. This session is designed to provide participants with a lively presentation of innovative approaches to medical student education. Presenters would submit a proposal for a 7-minute presentation. The program committee will then combine several brief oral presentations in succession, followed by time for discussion.
5. Poster Session: Submissions can be on a wide range of topics from educational research to descriptions of innovative approaches to medical student education. This year, as in the past, poster awards will be given at the Annual Meeting banquet based on final poster presentation by a panel of judges.
6. Media Session: The media session provides the opportunity to showcase useful online resources for ADMSEP members
ADMSEP Education Scholars Program Call for Applications
Education scholarship can lead to academic promotion and leadership, both in home institutions and nationally. In order to do this, educational activities and innovations need to be studied. As physicians, we may not know how to make our educational efforts scholarly.
The ADMSEP Education Scholars Program is a two-year faculty development program that provides ADMSEP members with foundational knowledge and mentorship in research methodology and scholarship in medical student education. Participants advance in scholarship skills that promote academic achievement and leadership, both in their home institutions and nationally. A Certificate of Excellence in Educational Scholarship is awarded to each Scholar upon completion of the program.
We are currently accepting applications for our 6th cohort of Education Scholars.
The deadline for submission is February 1, 2023.
Program Description: • 2 year program of half-day structured pre-meeting workshops and didactics prior to the start of the ADMSEP Annual Meeting • Program runs from June 2023 to June 2025 • Longitudinal components include scheduled conference calls throughout the two-year period • Scholars work with a local mentor and a senior ADMSEP mentor to complete a scholarly project • Scholars present their completed scholarly projects as a poster at the final third ADMSEP meeting
Eligibility requirements: • ADMSEP membership • Psychiatry medical student educators at the junior or mid-career level with at least 2 years of experience in medical student education • Applicants must commit to all components of the program: completion of an independent project, participation in all conference calls and attendance at 3 consecutive ADMSEP annual meetings • Fee for the 2 year program is $1,000. Applications are available online
We look forward to receiving your applications.
The pdf version of this announcement can be downloaded here
Lisa Fore-Arcand, EdD, and Kirsten Wilkins, MD - Program Directors
View the 2022 Fall Virtual Meeting (aka Town Hall)
Miss the 2022 Fall Virtual Meeting? Login here to view it (video or audio only versions available).
Town Hall on Medical Student Advising: September 15th, 4-6PM EST
Please join us for our Town Hall on the important topic of Medical Student Advising. We hope all ADMSEP members can join us for the discussion. The event will take place on Thursday, September 15th, 4-6PM EST. Read more here
Advising Students for the Match- new web page added!
Thanks to Drs. Erin Malloy and Lia Thomas, we now have a new page which contains updates and tips regarding advise for medical students regarding the USMLE match.
Miss the 2022 Annual Meeting? Here's a chance to catch a glimpse
A new batch of 2022 Annual Meeting content was added to Members only today.
2022 Meeting Photos posted
The 2022 Annual Meeting Photos from Austin TX are available for viewing in Members Only.
2022 Meeting Evals and claim your CME credits! (Deadline Aug 16, 2022)
Please be sure to provide feedback to our 2022 Annual Meeting presenters and claim your CME credits! Be aware the deadline for this is Aug 16, 2022.
2022 Annual Meeting Announcements updated
Want to see the meeting PPTXs? We are starting our collection with our Keynote speaker; visit our members only area (login required).
ADMSEP 2022 Program Book and Annual Meeting announcements posted
See our meetings page for details.
Monthly (June 2022) DEI update available
Please feel free to view our Monthly (June 2022) Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism (DEIA) Resource submitted by:
Francis Lu, MD, DLFAPA Kim Professor in Cultural Psychiatry, Emeritus, UC Davis;
with assistance from Robert C. Like, MD, MS Emeritus Professor of Family Medicine and Community Health, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School;
AADPRT virtual recruitment fairs 2022
AADPRT virtual recruitment fairs 2022 are organized by region and are intended to introduce medical students to psychiatry residency programs. Registration is limited to 200 per fair. A list of participating institutions, fair schedule, and registration links can be found at the link above. This webpage will be updated frequently as institutions are confirmed.
ADMSEP 2022 Spring Virtual Meeting Recordings
Not able to attend the virtual ADMSEP Spring Meeting? Log into myADMSEP and watch the video recordings! Hint: Look for the "2020-2022 Virtual meeting recordings" on left center of the page.
Proposed Standardized Letter of Recommendation for Psychiatry Residency Applicants
The MSPE taskforce with the help of some AADPRT members has developed a position statement and standardized letter of recommendation template for ADMSEP member review:
-Proposal of a Standardized Letter of Recommendation for Psychiatry Residency Applicants: The number of allopathic and osteopathic candidates applying to psychiatry is increasing. This, combined with virtual interviews and an increased number of applications per candidate, has led to a perceived "application avalanche". To read more about the proposal....
-Standardized Letter of Recommendation template: You may view/download this document on the same page
We will plan to vote on these documents at this year's annual meeting.
If you have questions or need clarifications please contact: Dr. Jeffrey Rakofsky ( or Dr. Dana Raml (
CSI eModule Quick Clips
Dr Marty Klapheke has been able to convert his CSI eModules' "Quick Clips" from a deprecated (unviewable) video format to the current web video standard. You can see these in our eModule collection under "Major Depressive Disorders" "Anxiety Disorders" "Personality Disorders"
A big "THANK YOU" to Dr Klapheke for his ingenuity used in salvaging this valuable footage!
CSI Committee accepting submissions for Project Developmental Grant awards.
The Clinical Simulation Initiative Committee is accepting submissions for the Project Developmental Grant awards.
Two developmental grants will be awarded this cycle. The deadline for submission is:
Friday 1 October 2020, 5:00 PM (PST).
Link below provides details and required materials:
Modules may be related to any topic relevant to medical student education that represents a clinical encounter on a disorder that will help achieve the learning objectives for the course or clerkship as well as meet existing LCME Standards.
Topics identified as 'in need' by the ADMSEP CSI Committee include PTSD, Substance use disorders, Eating disorders, Dissociative disorders, Sexual disorders, and Child and adolescent disorders in particular neurodevelopmental disorders. Applicants are encouraged to seek mentorship. ADMSEP members from the CSI Committee are available for this purpose.
If there are any questions, please let us know.
Your CSI Chairs,
Derrick Hamaoka, M.D., Uniformed Services University
Mary Steinmann, M.D., University of Utah
Updated "A Roadmap to Psychiatric Residency"
Greetings Epic Educators!
An updated version of "A Roadmap to Psychiatric Residency" is now live on the APA website.
This document - created with educators from ADMSEP, AADPRT, AAP and involvement of PsychSign - first arrived in 2019. It was updated this year to reflect changes in Psychiatry Match and in it you will find practical guidance on personal statements, how to think about applying, personal statements and questions for the interview day. There is also specialty advice for military match, couples match, osteopathic students and internal students.
Many members of ADMSEP contributed to this document, for which I am eternally grateful.
Applying for Psychiatric Residency Guide to Applying for Psychiatric Residency. Congratulations on choosing one of the most exciting fields in medicine. Not only are psychiatrists uniquely trained to consider the patient from a "whole person" perspective, but the field also includes a wide range of practice settings and diverse opportunities for subspecialization.
I encourage you to share this widely with students planning on applying to our field, with faculty advisors and even with your student affairs deans.
Lia A. Thomas, MD
She / Her / Hers
Medical Director, MH Trauma Services Team , VANTHCS
Associate Residency Training Director at the Dallas VA and Recruitment Strategies
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry
UT Southwestern Medical Center
2021-22 Psychiatry Residency Recruitment Fairs
This year AADPRT is developing the 2021-2022 virtual Psychiatry residency recruitment fairs (aka Open Houses). They are organized by region and are intended to introduce medical students to psychiatry residency programs while keeping people safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please see for registration, dates and other details!
Consensus Statement from the AADPRT and the ADMSEP on the 2021-22 Residency and Fellowship Application Cycle
Please feel free to view/download the "Consensus Statement from the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training (AADPRT) and the Association of Directors of Medical Student Education in Psychiatry (ADMSEP) on the 2021-22 Residency and Fellowship Application Cycle"
Given the changes due to Covid-19, there has been recent emergence of virtual residency open houses and fairs. Given what we know so far, here are some options
So far 38 schools are involved. Feel free to distribute and let us know if there are other events coming up!
ADMSEP Statement after the Deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery
The recent killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery, and the disproportionate toll that Covid-19 is wreaking on black communities have shone a light on our nation’s failings on issues of racial justice. ADMSEP Council joins with its members in condemning this racism that threatens the safety and well-being of people of color across the country, including our members, our students and the patients we serve.
As an organization of medical educators, we echo the call to action that the Association of American Medical Colleges made this week: We must acknowledge and speak out against all forms of racism, discrimination, and bias in our environments in our institutions, communities, and society. We must stand in solidarity with the Black community and speak out against unjust and inhumane incidents of violence. We must demonstrate empathy and compassion and acknowledge the pain and grief that the families and the communities of these victims are experiencing. We must take the lead in educating ourselves and others to address these issues head-on. We must be deliberate and partner with local communities, public health agencies, and municipal governments to dismantle structural racism and end police brutality. We must employ anti-racist and unconscious bias training and engage in interracial dialogues that will dispel the misrepresentations that dehumanize our Black community members and other marginalized groups. We must move from rhetoric to action to eliminate the inequities in our care, research, and education of tomorrow’s doctors. The full link to their statement can be found here:
As psychiatric educators training the doctors of tomorrow, we must incorporate the concepts of racism and other social determinants of health into our curricula. We must redouble our efforts to make our students aware of the deleterious effects of trauma, including racial trauma, and therapeutic approaches. We must ensure that we listen to the voices of our colleagues and students of color, stand with them in the fight against racism and support their career development. We must make ourselves aware of our own unconscious biases and recognize and address any mistreatment, including microaggressions (a coin termed by Black psychiatrist Chester Pierce), that we perpetrate or witness.
Sadly, we will not be able to assemble for our annual meeting this year and enjoy each other’s fellowship as well as to process together the tragic and unsettling recent events. We hope that our membership will continue to join together to provide excellent psychiatric education and scholarship, with an increased awareness of inequities and firm commitment toward anti-racism.
Benoit Dubé, M.D.; President Susan W, Lehmann, M.D.; Immediate Past President John Spollen, M.D.; Past President Howard Y. Liu, M.D.; President Elect/Treasurer Lisa Fore Arcand, Ed. D.; Secretary and Newsletter Editor Greg Briscoe, M.D., Webmaster & Second Past President Matthew N. Goldenberg, M.D., M.Sc., Council Member Erin Malloy, M.D., Council Member Dawnelle Schatte, M.D., Council Member Lia A. Thomas, M.D., Council Member Lindsey Allison, M.Ed., Administrative Director
Dear colleagues,
ADMSEP and AADPRT leadership have issued joint recommendations about the upcoming academy year as it pertains to medical students applying to psychiatry residency programs. The overarching goal is to prioritize the safety of our learner and communities, while also supporting a fair and equitable process for all.
A special thank you to John Spollen and Lia Thomas for representing ADMSEP during this process.
Please share with your colleagues in your respective institutions.
Warm regards,
Benoit Dubé, MD Associate Provost and Chief Wellness Officer I University of Pennsylvania Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry I Perelman School of Medicine
President I ADMSEP Association of Medical Student Education in Psychiatry