Academic Psychiatry - 2 New Calls for Papers

Greetings fellow ADMSEPers -

Please see the Call for Papers as linked below.

Looking Back on 50 Years of Academic Psychiatry and Envisioning the Future of Scholarly Work in Psychiatry Education
Submission Deadline - 9/2/25

Transitions in Work and Life in Medical Students, Psychiatry Residents, and Practicing Psychiatrists
Submission Deadline - 7/1/2025

In addition, if you are thinking about projects for publications, consider some of the articles from our Journal as starting points on your academic journeys. Ann Tennier, the most fabulous Managing Editor of Acad Psychiatry, has selected 6 key articles* which will get you started, as noted below. You can access these articles by logging into our ADMSEP Members Only web area, then click the "Academic Psychiatry" link. This will take you directly into the AP website as logged in and you can search for the articles there.

If you prefer, direct instant access links can be found in the ADMSEP listserv email (Title: "Academic Psychiatry - 2 New Calls for Papers"; Date 2/26/2025).

*Key articles:

Arfken CL, MacKenzie MA. Achieving methodological rigor in education research. Acad Psychiatry. 2022;46(4):519-21.

Balon R, Guerrero APS, Coverdale JH, Brenner AM, Louie AK, Beresin EV, et al. Institutional review board approval as an educational tool. Acad Psychiatry. 2019;43(3):285-9.

Coverdale J, Louie A, Roberts LW. Getting started in educational research. Acad Psychiatry. 2005;29(1):14-8.

Coverdale J, Roberts L, Louie A, Beresin E. Writing the methods. Acad Psychiatry. 2006;30(5):361-4.

Horn C, Plazas Snyder B, Coverdale JH, Louie AK, Roberts LW. Educational research questions and study design. Acad Psychiatry. 2009;33(3):261-7.

Roberts LW, Coverdale JH, Louie AK. Evidence, methods, and psychiatric education. Acad Psychiatry. 2003;27(4):227-8.

Best, LT

Lia A. Thomas, MD
Director of MH Education, Training and Research, VANTHCS Associate Program Director, Dept of Psychiatry, UTSWMC Past President, ADMSEP