CSI Project Developmental Grant Award (Deadline 12/1/24)

Dear ADMSEP members,

The Clinical Simulation Initiative (CSI) Committee is accepting submissions for the Project Developmental Grant Award.

One developmental grant will be awarded this cycle ($500-1000 with Articulate 360 seat included). The deadline for submission is Sunday, 1 December 2024, 5:00 PM (PST).

Link below provides details and required materials:


Modules may be related to any topic relevant to medical student education that represents a clinical encounter with a disorder that will help achieve the learning objectives for the course or clerkship as well as meet existing LCME Standards. A list of the modules are located here.

Applicants are encouraged to seek mentorship. ADMSEP members from the CSI Committee are available for this purpose.

If there are any questions, please let us know.

Your CSI Chairs,

Derrick Hamaoka, M.D.
Uniformed Services University

Mary Steinmann, M.D.
University of Utah

Partnership between ADMSEP and Aquifer

ADMSEP Members:

We are very excited to share the formation of a partnership between ADMSEP and Aquifer. As you may know, Aquifer is a mission-driven non-profit organization dedicated to delivering the best health care education through collaborative development and research into innovative, high-impact virtual teaching and learning methods. Several of our institutions already utilize Aquifer materials in their curricula.

This collaboration will support the creation of clinical learning cases on the Aquifer platform that cover ADMSEP Learning Goals and Milestones. We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to contribute as case authors. We envision these learning cases as complementary to the excellent modules that will continue to be produced through ADMSEP’s Clinical Simulation Initiative (CSI).

This is a terrific opportunity to contribute to a widely used platform and earn scholarly credit. We invite you to express your interest now. Please click this link to learn more about the project and how to get involved.

Sincerely, Matt Goldenberg ADMSEP President, 2024-25

Matthew N. Goldenberg, M.D., M.Sc. Associate Professor of Psychiatry Yale University School of Medicine

Attending Psychiatrist Yale-New Haven Hospital

President, 2024-25 Association of Directors of Medical Student Education in Psychiatry (ADMSEP)


ADMSEP’s 2025 Virtual Fall Meeting

Hello, we are looking forward to seeing you all at ADMSEP’s 2025 Virtual Fall Meeting!

Link to follow.

Monday, September 30, 2024 from 3pm (CST)/4pm (EST) - 5pm (CST)/6pm (EST)

-3pm (CST)/4pm (EST) – 3:30pm (CST)/4:30pm (EST)
“In My Submitting Era: How to get your abstracts accepted” Dana Raml MD and Kristin Escamilla MD

After attending, participants will be able to: Describe the various submission types for the 2025 ADMSEP Annual Meeting. Identify the characteristics of a high-quality abstract. Compare and contrast various examples of abstracts.

-3:30pm (CST)/4:30pm (EST) – 4pm (CST)/5pm (EST)
“You had me at LO: Crafting an engaging oral presentation”  Timothy R. Kreider, MD PhD

After attending, participants will be able to: Organize your presentation around learning objectives (LOs).   Adapt your plan to the needs of your audience.  Illustrate your talk with simplified visuals.

-4:15pm (CST)/5:15pm (EST) – 5pm (CST)/6pm (EST)
"Cultivating Careers: Group mentoring for psychiatric educators"
Erin Malloy MD and Laura Cardella MD

After attending, participants will be able to: Describe the structure and benefits of a group mentoring program for psychiatric medical educators. Identify effective strategies for mentors to lead and facilitate group mentoring sessions. Demonstrate techniques for mentees to maximize their engagement in group mentoring Brainstorm strategies for mentors and mentees to build meaningful relationships with mentors and peers. Formulate a personal action plan for incorporating group mentoring to enhance career development within their professional setting.

Participants will have an opportunity to meet mentoring groups and to sign up for the program during the session.

Kristin Escamilla MD, ADMSEP Annual Meeting Program Chair
Dana Raml MD, ADMSEP Annual Meeting Assistant Program Chair

Abstract Submission Portal for the 2025 Annual Meeting

Hello ADMSEP Members,

Please join us in Boston, MA from June 19-21, 2025, for an exciting annual meeting!

ADMSEP will be opening the Abstract Submission Portal for the 2025 Annual Meeting on Tuesday, October 1, 2024. The portal will be closed at 11:59pm ET on Thursday, October 31, 2024.

Please note that we will be using a new management platform. Instructions on how to submit your abstracts will be sent on or about October 1st.

We encourage submissions focusing on: • Faculty development • Health disparities, cultural competency, climate change, diversity equity & inclusion, and social determinants of mental health • Curriculum: pre-clerkship courses, clerkship content, electives, active learning, redesign, assessment methods • New and emerging topics in medical student education and technology including the impact of AI • Educational innovations • Current educational hot topics

Submission Guidelines: Only 3 presentations per presenter may be submitted (this does not include posters).

There is a 5 co-author limit on all presentations. Please keep in mind, only people who are participating in the presentation should be included as a co-author.

The ADMSEP Annual Meeting Program Committee will be accepting submissions for:

1. Plenary 1-hour session consisting of a group of three to four individual presentations that are thematically related. Each individual presentation is a 12-15 minute formal talk, given by 1 or 2 individuals. This session is offered to all meeting attendees. Several people can submit abstracts for a plenary session they believe would fit well together; alternatively, the program committee may group individual submissions with similar and related topics.

2. Workshop 75-minute semi-structured learning session designed to facilitate interaction via active learning with a limited didactic element.

3. Discussion Group 75-minute session consisting of 3 or 4 interactive presentations along a similar theme, each 12-15 minutes, along with time for discussion. The program committee may combine several abstracts on a similar topic. Presenters may submit 1 presentation for such a combination, or may coordinate several submissions with other presenters.

4. Brief Oral Presentation: Educational Innovations Adapted from the popular PechaKucha model, this is a 7-minute presentation, using 20 slides for 20 seconds each. This session is designed to provide participants with a lively presentation of innovative approaches to medical student education. Presenters would submit a proposal for a 7-minute presentation. The program committee will then combine several brief oral presentations in succession, followed by time for discussion.

5. Poster Session Submissions can be on a wide range of topics from educational research to descriptions of innovative approaches to medical student education. This year, as in the past, poster awards will be given at the Annual Meeting banquet based on the final poster presentation by a panel of judges.

6. Media Session This is an opportunity to showcase useful online resources for ADMSEP members.

7. Work in Progress 75-minute session consisting of three 15-minute presentations with each presentation followed by 10 minutes of audience feedback and allowing educators a chance to obtain feedback to help refine a paper, teaching method, curriculum, or other project in process.

We look forward to reading your submissions!

Kristin Escamilla MD, ADMSEP Annual Meeting Program Chair
Dana Raml MD, ADMSEP Annual Meeting Assistant Program Chair
Rachel Russo MD, ADMSEP Annual Meeting Facilities Chair
Ellie Rashid Corbaley, ADMSEP Administrative Coordinator
Matt Goldenberg MD, ADMSEP President

Revised Standardized Letter of Recommendation

Hello all,

Firstly, thanks to everyone for your input and feedback on the SLOR template. We made some key revisions based on this and I think our final product should be more streamlined for both letter readers and writers. Please download the updated Match 2025 SLOR.

Also, we are working on sample letters, and FAQ sheets will be on the website by the end of the month.

Please consider using the SLOR for LORs during this application cycle.

I am happy to answer any questions.

Thanks again!

Dana Raml, MD
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Assistant Professor
Adult Outpatient Division Director
Associate Medical Director
Assistant Clerkship Director
Clinical Specialty Track Director- Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry
University of Nebraska Medical Center
985575 Nebraska Medical Center | Omaha, NE 68198-5575

Annual Meeting Early Bird Registration ends 4/30/2024


We wanted to send a reminder that our Annual Meeting Early Bird Registration ends next Tuesday, April 30, 2024.

Make sure you register for the Annual Meeting in June* and book your hotel before that to get the best prices of the year!

*ADMSEP 2024 Annual Meeting June 20-22, 2024. Pittsburgh, PA at the Omni William Penn Hotel.

Looking forward to seeing you all,

Rachel Russo, M.D.
2024 ADMSEP Program Chair

Kristin Escamilla, M.D.
2024 ADMSEP Assistant Program Chair

ADMSEP Scholarly Publication Award - Call for Nominations

Hello ADMSEP Members,

The ADMSEP Scholarly Publication Award seeks to recognize the most outstanding UME-focused publication by an ADMSEP member over the past year. The Awards Committee has searched Academic Psychiatry, MedEdPORTAL, and Medical Teacher for publications and have already identified a number of publications for consideration.

If you have published between March 2023 and March 2024 in another journal (or would like to confirm consideration of your article in the aforementioned journals), please contact me with the citation for your publication.

Thank you,

Chase Findley

J. Chase Findley, M.D.
Assistant Dean for Accreditation and Educational Quality Improvement Associate Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
McGovern Medical School | UTHealth Houston

ADMSEP Virtual Spring Meeting – Wednesday April 17th – 4p-530p EST

ADMSEP Virtual Spring Meeting – Wednesday April 17th – 4p-530p EST

“Here We Go Again: Leading Medical Education in An Era of Recurrent Crisis.”

This will be a timely and helpful topic that will be presented by a great group of ADMSEP members: Drs. Elizabeth Greene, Kelly Cozza, Victoria Kelly, Michael Miller and Khyati Kothari. We will record and offer CME. Look for a calendar invitation from Ellie coming soon.

Miss the 2024 ADMSEP Spring Town Hall? Watch it in Members Only

ADMSEP Spring Town Hall – Wednesday March 20th, 2024 4p-530p EST - “Where Do We Go from Here? Development and Adoption of the New Foundational Core Competencies for Undergraduate Medical Education.”

Watch it in Members Only

This town hall was on the new AAMC competencies for medical student education. These foundational competencies were developed through a multi-year, four phase, collaborative national effort. Over 1,000 individuals provided input towards the development of the competencies, including those from psychiatry, and a diverse group was convened and charged to draft the new foundational competencies.

Dr. Lisa Howley from the AAMC presented on the new competencies and heard our feedback.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Abstract: The medical education community has been working towards competency-based education for decades. However, much work remains to align undergraduate and graduate medical education and enhance the transition to residency. An initiative led and advised by multiple medical education organizations has recently resulted in new foundational competencies for undergraduate medical education in the U.S. regardless of location or degree type. This interactive session will introduce the new foundational competencies for undergraduate medical education. The multi-year collaborative effort to develop them will be briefly reviewed and the attendees will be invited to ideate strategies to integrate them within their local educational programs.

Link to competencies: https://cloud.email.aamc.org/UME-Competencies-AAMC-AACOM-ACGME

Objectives: 1. Defend the need for a standard set of foundational competencies across UME programs, that align with GME. 2. Describe the foundational UME competencies that align across the continuum, and the process used to develop them. 3. Construct one or more actions towards local adoption of the new foundational competencies

Awards Nominations and Applications deadline extended


In response to request for an extension, the deadline for ADMSEP award nominations and applications is being moved to April 30th.

We hope this additional time will allow you help ADMSEP give well deserved recognition to excellence within the ADMSEP community.

Dave Schilling Awards Committee Co-Chair

Chase Findley Awards Committee Co-Chair

2024 Annual Meeting Registration is Open!

Registration for the ADMSEP Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh is now open for the conference.

The link will also provide information on how to book your conference rate hotel.

Do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions! We look forward to seeing you in June!

Ellie Corbaley
Association of Director's of Medical Student Education in Psychiatry (ADMSEP)

ADMSEP Virtual Spring Town Hall, Wednesday March 20th, 4p-530p EST.

“Where Do We Go from Here? Development and Adoption of the New Foundational Core Competencies for Undergraduate Medical Education.”

Dr. Lisa Howley from the AAMC will present on the new competencies and hear our feedback.

A calendar invitation will be arriving in an email to follow.

The medical education community has been working towards competency-based education for decades. However, much work remains to align undergraduate and graduate medical education and enhance the transition to residency. An initiative led and advised by multiple medical education organizations has recently resulted in new foundational competencies for undergraduate medical education in the U.S. regardless of location or degree type. This interactive session will introduce the new foundational competencies for undergraduate medical education. The multi-year collaborative effort to develop them will be briefly reviewed and the attendees will be invited to ideate strategies to integrate them within their local educational programs.

Link to competencies: https://cloud.email.aamc.org/UME-Competencies-AAMC-AACOM-ACGME

1. Defend the need for a standard set of foundational competencies across UME programs, that align with GME.
2. Describe the foundational UME competencies that align across the continuum, and the process used to develop them.
3. Construct one or more actions towards local adoption of the new foundational competencies

Rachel Russo, MD and Kristin Escamilla, MD
Program Chair and Associate Program Chair

Upcoming Virtual Meetings- Save the Dates

We’ve decided this spring to have two shorter virtual meetings.

We wanted to announce this and send out details. Look for flyers with more information and calendar invitations coming soon.

ADMSEP Spring Town Hall – Wednesday March 20th 4p-530p EST - “Where Do We Go from Here? Development and Adoption of the New Foundational Core Competencies for Undergraduate Medical Education.” Dr. Lisa Howley from the AAMC will present on the new competencies and hear our feedback.

ADMSEP Spring Virtual Meeting – Wednesday April 17th – 4p-530p EST - “Here We Go Again: Leading Medical Education in An Era of Recurrent Crisis.” This very timely workshop will be led by Dr. Elizabeth Greene with Drs Kelly Cozza, Victoria Kelly, Michael Miller, and Khyati Kothari co-presenting.

Again, more details to come, but we hope to see you virtually in March and April!

Rachel Russo, MD and Kristin Escamilla, MD

Program Chair and Associate Program Chair

Call for ADMSEP 2024 Awards Nominations & Applications

Practicing gratitude is good for the mental health of both the giver and recipient. Now is a great opportunity for you to engage in practicing gratitude by pondering who has made your professional life easier and more enjoyable over the past year, and what is it that person has done that you found to be so helpful. This is an ideal time to let ADMSEP members know how thankful you are, and then to demonstrate your gratitude by nominating them for an ADMSEP award!

· Does your Clerkship Administrator regularly prevent chaos from overwhelming your day? Nominate them for the ADMSEP Clerkship Administrator Award for Excellence.

· Has your early-in-their-career colleague come up with some fresh and clever ideas for improving medical student education at your school? Encourage them to apply for the ADMSEP Devneil Vaidya Award and offer to write a letter of support.

· Is there a senior colleague who you respect and admire for all that they have done over many years for ADMSEP and medical education? Write a letter nominating them for the ADMSEP Fred Sierles MD Leadership & Excellence in Psychiatric Education Award

· Do you know someone who has done something educationally innovative in your clerkship or course that has worked great or maybe even beyond your expectations? Encourage the innovator to apply for the ADMSEP Innovations Award.

****NEW THIS YEAR**** · Is there a mid-career faculty member in your department who seamlessly integrates their commitment to serving the disadvantaged in their community with their work in medical student education? Write a letter nominating them to be the inaugural recipient of the ADMSEP Amy Brodkey, MD, Award for Advocacy and Community Service in Psychiatry.

Details about the various ADMSEP awards, along with the deadlines, are listed on our website: https://admsep.org/membership.php?c=awards

Please help the ADMSEP organization show its gratitude to deserving ADMSEP members for the great work they have done.

Thank you,

Dave Schilling & Chase Findley Award Committee Co-Chairs